E28/2895 Transline West (1)

Operator: BOA
Location: Fraser Range, Western Australia

Target area

Buckbeat target identified

Transline West 1 covers and area approximately 21km2 and is located in the northern portion of the Fraser Gravity Ridge. The licence was previously held by Legend Mining’s Rockford Project and was relinquished due to statutory obligations.

The Buckbeak target was identified on the Transline West (1) tenement.

Further exploration planned

A total of 4 holes for 431 meters were drilled at the Buckbeak Target on Transline West (1) E28/2888 testing a cumulate-norite identified in the 2017 air core drilling which sits on a modest gravity response. Hole depths ranged from 99-120m with an average depth of 108m. Holes were drilled on a nominal 100m x 100m grid for infill targeting and variably spaced for conceptual targeting.


An MLEM survey is planned.