E28/1932 Symons Hill

Owner: BOA – Operator: IGO
Location: Fraser Range, Western Australia

Target area

Straddling IGO Nova Mine tenement

The Symons Hill tenement is located within the Fraser Range Province of Western Australia, east of Norseman and approximately 200kms south-east of Kalgoorlie. It covers an area of 73km2.

The company’s Symons Hill exploration licence adjoins on the north-east side the world-class IGO Nova nickel mine.

Geophysics – Symons Hill

IGO is undertaking a number of exploration activities on the tenement. An 800m hole was drilled from the IGO Orion target into BOA Resources  Symons Hill tenement in the north east corner of the adjoining tenements. It is believed the drill hole skimmed the surface of identified mineralisation.

IGO has identified the Hercules target which is currently undergoing evaluation after a Moving Loop Electromagnetic Survey (MLEM) determined that the Hercules target is interpreted to be at a depth greater than 400m.