E28/3304 Transline North (2)

Operator: BOA (100%)
Location: Fraser Range, Western Australia

Target area

Additional running room added to Transline North tenement

Transline North (2) abuts BOA’s Fraser Range Transline North tenement (operated by IGO) and is located 10km to the east of Legend Mining’s Mawson nickel-copper discovery.

IGO is undertaking multiple aircore programs on BOA’s northern tenements at Transline North (E28/2849) and Transline South (E28/2866). AC drilling at the interpreted Ballast Intrusive Complex, a 25km x 6km magnetic feature that sits within a structural corridor is defined by the Ballast and Heatwave Shear Zones.

The tenement was awarded in late 2023 and bolster’s BOA’s footprint in the event of success at Transline North.