EL1/2022 Roy Hill
Operator: BOA
Location: Tasmania
Greenfield exploration for lithium and tin
The Roy Hill project EL1/2022 covers an area of 60km2 and is prospective for lithium and tin.
The tenement is located near the town of Avoca in Eastern Tasmania, 100km from Launceston.
The area is a well mineralised, past-producing tin province associated with apical zones of highly fractionated Devonian granite.
The area is very under-explored for tin and there is no previous exploration for lithium.
The largest known greisen body is the former Roy Hill Mine. Many other known greisen veins, such as sheeted systems are known to exist at nearby Brookstead.
Analogous to Cinovec deposit
Extensive tin anomalism in stream sediment and soil surveys suggests a many vein system and greisens are yet to be discovered, especially near the granite roof.
The area is analogous to the Cinovec deposit. The Roy Hill potential is being compared to the famous Cinovec lithium deposit near Zinnwald on the Czech Republic-German border.
There is no veto on mineral exploration over private land and no native title heritage agreement restrictions in Tasmania.