Assets in mineral-rich provinces and mining-ready jurisdictions
BOA holds additional tenements in the Paterson Province and Tasmania.
Paterson Province gold
BOA holds the Koongulla South tenement E45/5959 which is prospective for gold in the Paterson Province.
The Paterson Province is a mineral-rich province hosting the world class Newmont Telfer Mine, Newmont-Greatland Gold Haveron Project and the developing, Rio Tinto Winu Project and Antipa Minyari project.
Tasmania tin and lithium
In line with BOA’s exploration for critical minerals, the Roy Hill tenement in Tasmania, is in a highly prospective lithium province. Being a historic tin mining region, the acquisition provides BOA the opportunity to explore the tenement’s potential in a mining exploration-ready jurisdiction.
Tenements summary
Holders: BOA Resources (100%)
Operator: BOA
Location: Paterson Province, Western Australia
- Along strike of the Koongulla Dome and a potential structural corridor.
- Koongulla South is part of the Koongulla package of tenements.
- A NW-SE structural corridor coincident with the Koongulla Dome identified.
- Potential interpreted structural zone extends into Koongulla South.
Holders: BOA Resources (100%)
Operator: BOA
Location: Northeast Tasmania
- Roy Hill located in Tasmania is prospective for lithium and tin.
- The area is well mineralised and a past-producing tin province.
- Area under-explored for tin and there is no previous exploration for lithium.
- The area is analogous to the Cinovec deposit.