Media & articles

5 November 2021

Legend Mining advances Rockford Project

This week’s Resources Roadhouse THE DRILL SERGEANT section reported Legend Mining (ASX: LEG) released results of recent exploration activity across the company’s Rockford project in the Fraser Range of Western Australia.

Legend Mining announced initial results of diamond drilling at the Crean, Hurley, and Northerly prospects, an MLTEM survey at Northerly and regional aircore drilling undertaken across the Rockford project.

Legend’s recent regional exploration was carried out on tenements E28/1718, E28/1727, and E28/2404, which contain the Crean, Northerly, and Hurley prospects that have been identified by the company as favourable nickel-copper-cobalt targets via systematic exploration utilising aircore drilling and innovative MLTEM surveys.

The company reported that diamond drilling has confirmed the Crean, Hurley, and Northerly prospects are prospective orthomagmatic nickel-copper intrusive hosts, comparable to the Nova-Bollinger and Silver Knight deposits in the Albany-Fraser Belt.

Boadicea’s Transline projects sit to the east of the Mawson project and will be actively explored by IGO Ltd as part of their exploration program on nine of Boadicea’s Fraser Range tenements in the upcoming exploration season early next year.

Legend Mining Managing Director Mark Wilson spoke with the Resources Roadhouse at the South West Connect ASX showcase

Legend indicated future work programs at Crean, Hurley, and Northerly will include assessment of geological, geochemical, geophysical, and structural results from completed diamond drilling, followed by planning of extensive aircore drilling, innovative MLTEM/FLTEM, and targeted diamond drilling.

These programs will be designed to define the target intrusion geometry at each prospect, as well as to identify and target mineralisation through systematic exploration, with the aim to discover multiple economic nickel-copper sulphide accumulations.

“Our field team have done an exceptional job to execute these programs with the industry wide labour difficulties being experienced under the current border travel restrictions,” Legend Mining managing director Mark Wilson said in the company’s ASX announcement.

“The early success from the new Northerly prospect is particularly pleasing with anomalous geochemistry indications from aircore, sulphides in intrusive host rocks observed in diamond drill core and a large shallow conductor from the MLTEM survey.

“The significance of all of these programs will be better understood once all assays and analysis of the results are collated.”

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