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19 January 2022

Exploration plan mapped out for Boadicea 2022 working year

The management team at Boadicea Resources has had a busy start to 2022, mapping its schedule of activities which will see the company transition to an active exploration company across its portfolio of tenements.

The company is pivoting from its business development endeavours to position itself in the best exploration regions around Australia, to now exploring its portfolio of tenements.

IGO will continue to explore on nine of Boadicea’s tenements in the Fraser Range with a schedule of works released earlier this month for Symons Hill, Transline, Giles and the Plumridge licences. The licences are prospective for nickel and cobalt.

Boadicea Managing Director Jon Reynolds says: “With IGO partnering Boadicea across these nine licences in the Fraser Range, and ourselves exploring Fraser South and Southern Hills, we have a very large portion of the Fraser Range under exploration in 2022.”

“We’re also focussing on our lithium and gold-copper tenements in the Eastern Goldfields and Paterson Province,” Jon Reynolds said.

Boadicea acquired the Bald Hill East lithium project late last year “and with lithium exploration heating up, we’re keen to start our exploration work on this licence. The nearby Bald Hill mine and processing plant next door provides us encouragement that should our licence be prospective, we have nearby infrastructure to tap into,” Jon Reynolds said.

Boadicea has three granted licences in the Paterson Province – Koongulla, Koongulla North and Koongulla East, with Koongulla South awaiting to be granted. A Telfer-like dome has been discovered straddling Koongulla and Koongulla East and drilling is planned for the first quarter of this year pending availability of crews. Absences due to COVID and a closed Western Australia border has created severe labour shortages.

The anomaly discovered at Mt Carmel/Clarke Reward licences in the Drummond Basin is providing Boadicea encouragement to appoint a geological team to further investigate the potential on these licences.

Jon Reynolds says: “We’re in all the right commodities of nickel, lithium, gold, copper and cobalt, exploring the mineral resources to power the future.

“Combine this with tenements held in world-class locations of the Fraser Range, Paterson Province, Charters Towers, Drummond Basin and the Eastern Goldfields, it’s fair to say the Boadicea Board has a very active 2022 year planned.

“Our corporate strength to drive the results shareholders want is built on good, solid management remaining nimble and matching the board skills to the company requirements. We are targeting giants; we have improved our capital structure significantly nudging now on almost 1000 investors; we’re well funded and our focus remains on giving our investors the best returns.

“There is no doubt that Boadicea is the company to watch in 2022,” Jon Reynolds says.

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