Media & articles

13 November 2021

Boadicea Resources eyes strengthening Telfer Dome lookalike at Paterson Province tenements

A report published by Proactive Investors following Boadicea’s ASX announcement, there is strong belief its Koongulla tenements have the potential to become the next major gold-copper discovery in the region and be a company maker.

Boadicea Resources Ltd (ASX:BOA) has identified multiple internal dome features from an airborne geophysics survey at its newly granted Koongulla East licence in the highly prospective Paterson Province in Western Australia.

The focus of the company’s exploration program is a Telfer Dome lookalike feature that straddles the Koongulla (E45/5392) and Koongulla East (E45/5866) tenements with the survey strengthening the structure of this target.

Preliminary assessment of the Koongulla East airborne geophysics survey has been completed and provided additional detail on the potential structure of the Koongulla Dome.

“Next major discovery”

Boadicea managing director Jon Reynolds said: “The granting of the Koongulla East licence and the identification of multiple internal dome features gives us further confidence the structure is developing more and more into a Telfer lookalike structure.

“Our exploration efforts will be focused on proving the potential of this system we have identified. Koongulla has significant potential to be the next major discovery of the Paterson Province.”

Kongulla Dome vs Telfer Dome

Airborne geophysics

Boadicea has completed an airborne geophysical survey on the recently granted Koongulla East tenements including unsurveyed areas of the previously identified Koongulla Dome.

The new survey information has provided additional detail on the potential structure of the Koongulla Dome with a preliminary interpretation displaying internal ‘dome’ features and structural complexity.

Based on the interpretation of the recent geophysics, the Koongulla Dome stratigraphic feature continues to resemble the characteristics of the Telfer Dome in relation to the dimensions, orientation and now the possible identification of multiple internal dome features.

A ground-based gravity survey planned for November across the Koongulla Dome has been scheduled for early 2022 due to a combination of delayed licence granting, geophysical crew availability and heritage survey requirements.

Koongulla East license

Patterson Province Tenements

The Koongulla East licence (E45/5866) holds 153.4 square kilometres within the Paterson Province tenements and is wholly owned by Boadicea Resources.

The newly secured licence has increased the company’s total granted Paterson Province tenement holding to 607 square kilometres.

Boadicea believes that its highly prospective Paterson Province tenements have the potential to become the next major gold-copper discovery in the region and be a company maker.


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