Media & articles

27 November 2020

The West Ravenswood area has been identified as prospective for Ravenswood-style gold mineralisation with previous exploration highlighting anomalous Bulk Leach Extractable Gold geochemical gold assays over a 4-kilometre strike length.

Following this week’s announcement by Boadicea Resources Ltd (ASX:BOA), Proactive Investors reports Boadicea Resources intends to expand its exploration efforts into the prolific Charters Towers gold region of north Queensland after applying for a new exploration licence for EMP27752.

The proposed South West Ravenswood tenement covers 117 square kilometres and is around 20 kilometres southwest of Ravenswood Gold Mine, which is owned and operated by Ravenswood Gold, a private company owned by EMR Capital and Golden Energy and Resources Ltd (SGX:AUE).

Underexplored with impressive neighbours

Boadicea managing director Jon Reynolds said: “The company has been focused on the development of new gold exploration targets within Australia.

“This started with the acquisition of the Koongulla project in the Paterson Province of WA.

“The South West Ravenswood project has been highlighted as an underexplored project with some impressive operating mines as neighbours, including Ravenswood, Mt Leyshon and Pajingo.

“The previous work completed by BHP has provided Boadicea an exciting base to focus further exploration.”

South West Ravenswood location.

BHP exploration

Surface geochemistry and prospecting conducted by BHP Group Ltd (ASX:BHP) in 1994 and 1995 defined a single anomaly over a previously untested target, known as Dreghorn.

The Dreghorn prospect has been identified from stream samples and Bulk Leach Extractable Gold (BLEG) analysis and has an anomalous strike length of more than 4 kilometres.

BHP BLEG sample locations.

Charters Towers province

The region contains several multi-million-ounce deposits that have multiple geological settings, including:

  • Intrusive Related Gold (IRG) similar to those of the Ravenswood field including sulphide quartz shear lodes, narrow high-grade veins and large quartz-sulphide vein stockworks;
  • Early Devonian mesothermal gold-quartz mineralisation;
  • Porphyry style, breccia hosted gold-copper mineralisation; and
  • Polymetallic + gold mineralisation in either breccias or contact vein hosted systems.

Boadicea’s strategy and proposed work program for the South West Ravenswood licence area covers the same geological units of the Ravenswood Granodiorite complex that are contiguous with and hosts the Ravenswood gold deposits.

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