Media & articles

18 October 2022

Boadicea Resources Ltd (ASX:BOA) managing director Jon Reynolds updates Andrew Scott from Proactive Investors about partner IGO Ltd’s extensive exploration program within its tenements in the northern Fraser Range area, Western Australia.

Jon Reynolds discusses IGO’s plan to drill a deep diamond hole to test the Hercules target at Symons Hill tenement and provides a summary of IGO’s activity so far.

Boadicea released an exploration update of IGO’s recent works on Boadicea’s Fraser Range tenements showing the busy year that has been under way.

IGO’s activities show it has been very active in the past quarter and the next one looks just as busy. The key activity has been in Boadicea’s northern tenements. IGO has completed a land access agreement with the native title holders.

“This has been a considerable task but without it, no on ground activity would have been possible. With the signing of the agreement, it appears to be full steam ahead,” Jon Reynolds said.

During the quarter 70 air core holes for 4268m, were completed across three Boadicea three Transline tenements. This tests four geophysical and lithological targets (Ballast NE, Ballast Eye, Ballast Central and Buckbeak). The results are expected next quarter. This work provides a first step in generating new nickel targets within the Fraser Range.

It should be noted the Ballast NE target is only 11km from the Mawson nickel discovery and is focussed on magmatic nickel-copper-cobalt of a similar mineralisation style to Nova.

The seven northern Fraser Range tenements owned by Boadicea include some of the best ground as they are located in the middle of the Fraser Range gravity high. This provides some of the best ground in the region for nickel exploration.

Now that all of the pre-exploration hurdles have been completed, testing of the multiple targets can advance and this has been demonstrated already by the commencement of the aircore program on multiple targets,” Jon Reynolds says.

Advancing Symons Hill

IGO is also advancing exploration on the Symons Hill licence planning a deep diamond hole within the Symons Hill Licence.

The Symons Hill tenement sits adjacent and along strike from the Nova mine licence and is located approximately three kilometres from the mine itself making it prime real estate for nickel exploration.

IGO has identified three intrusive chonoliths, which are the geological feature that concentrates the nickel mineralisation, on the IGO side of the fence and these are interpreted to extend within Symons Hill.

Orion, was drill tested in 2021 and the hole was interpreted to have missed the target by skimming the edge of the intrusion. IGO is now moving to the second target, Hercules. This is a deeper target, and the drill hole is expected to be greater than 1,000 metres.

“This represents a significant commitment of both resources and expenditure and provides an indication of the level of interest in the potential of the whole tenement. The hole is in the planning stage and will require all the necessary approvals and clearances prior to commencing. We will provide more details on the commencement date in due course,” Jon Reynolds says.

IGO is taking a “full steam ahead” approach to exploration activities on the Boadicea licences. Significant on-ground activity in some of the best tenements within the Fraser Range and the best team of exploration geologists at IGO are working on the program of works.

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