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Boadicea Resources partner IGO unearths new Fraser Range nickel-copper target
Boadicea Resources Ltd (ASX:BOA) exploration partner IGO Ltd has intersected new nickel-copper mineralisation during aircore drilling on the company’s tenements in the northern section of the Fraser Range in Western Australia.
Proactive Investors reports earn-in partner IGO completed a total of 32 holes for 3,670 metres across the Eggpie prospect within the Transline South tenement, intersecting gabbronorite which is a key source of nickel mineralisation in the Fraser Range.
Portable XRF analysis has indicated elevated nickel and copper readings.
While awaiting further interpretation of the core, the explorer has added infill holes adjacent to the discovery to the drill program for further investigation.
Eggpie is approximately 25 kilometres southeast of Legend Mining Ltd (ASX:LEG)’s Mawson nickel discovery, which has a published resource of 1.45 million tonnes at 1.2% nickel.
“Intersection of the right rock type, sulphides and elevated readings of nickel and copper from the portable XRF have provided significant encouragement for the potential of the Eggpie target,” Boadicea managing director Jon Reynolds said in a third-quarter exploration update.
“We keenly await the assay results and further exploration activities by IGO on the Eggpie target to test its potential for nickel mineralisation.”
Beacon target activity
Meanwhile, at the Beacon target on South Plumridge, IGO completed a total of 12 aircore holes for 480 metres, designed to test an aeromagnetic/structural feature similar to Galileo Mining Ltd (ASX:GAL, OTC:GLMGF)’s Lantern Project.
Core samples from all drill holes have been sent to ALS for analysis, with results expected within the next couple of months.
Other updates
Elsewhere, IGO has executed a revised heritage agreement with the Ngadju people across the Fraser Range South exploration project area following a period of negotiation.
It also decided to relinquish the Transline West 2 (E28/2895) tenement to Boadicea after a thorough review of the target’s prospects.
Boadicea regained management of the tenure on August 7, 2023.